Our Virtual Chief Security Officer Program Will Deliver A Security Program Your Organization Needs

Assurance and oversight that your team is taking the proper steps to secure your organization

We all want to do the right thing, and our Chief Security Officer program will ensure that everyone is focused on doing a great job.

Easy-to-understand communication

Our reports are designed to clearly and easily communicate risks to your organization. Learn how easy hackers can access your information when it isn’t properly protected, and ensure your team is adhering to good cyber hygiene. We will likely identify information you’ve long ago forgotten even exists.

Measure where your cybersecurity is today

Check the state of your data encryption, and identify what a hacker can see when they’re in an infected device. Determine if your network will withstand an attack (even on one machine!).

Get clear steps to address issues with the team and the tools you already have

Our solution is vendor agnostic. Start addressing security and risk management issues with your team and the resources you are already investing in without having to switch anything!

Prioritize the most critical vulnerabilities to focus your efforts

Until you see where your data security problems lie, you won’t know where to focus your team’s energy. Validate that your security controls are working as expected and where they aren’t, so you can help your team prioritize what will have the most impact.

Reduce your risk of growing attacks

Cyberattacks are not going away, and until your team and leadership can understand the issues and relate them to your organization, you’ll never know how secure your data truly is. It doesn’t matter whether you have worked with the same IT team for years; the threat landscape is changing so quickly that it’s hard for even competent teams to keep track of everything.

The bottom line is: no one knows what they don’t know.

Unless you have the expert at your leadership table who can communicate to your team and your board, how will you know security is being addressed the way you and they expect? This is where a vCSO makes a huge difference.

The first step? Let us perform our 26 Minute Level 1 Security Risk Assessment to help identify how good (or how bad) your risk profile really is.

To Request Your FREE Risk Assessment Schedule With The Calendar On This Page Or Call Us Today At
(808) 450-2693

Book your 26 Minute Level 1 Security Risk Assessment now:

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